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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM  ABC  August 23, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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something friend never expected.
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. >> it's still crazy. >> friend in shock after a deadly shooting at a concert at shoreline amphitheater. backstage during a whiz khaliffa performance. video outside shoreline, where a rascal flats concert wrapping up. a different scene last night. a man was shot and killed backstage before the end of a concert. tonight, police are still searching for the gunman. our reporter has details on the investigation. >> reporter: people at last night's concert say a series of shots went off as whiz khalifa was wrapping up his performance.
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38-year-old eric johnson the victim. police say it unfolded backstage. >> a lot of security backstage. at his concerts. not sure how it occurred or the firearm got to the backstage area. >> reporter: investigators held witnesses backstage for hours. the gunman some how escaped. that particular venue, how would security usually handle it. >> that its a great question. that should be directed towards shoreline folks. we don't handle security per se. >> reporter: despite requests, everyone from shoreline amphitheater and livenation declined. a spokesperson said they're working closely with the mountain view police department on the investigation. and refused to give any details about security backstage. friend, family of eric johnson are shocked he was the victim after reports he may have been are gug wi arguing with the gunman.
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an oakland based musician, working with eric johnson's music company. >> i am really like shaken up about this. i didn't just lose a person who was helping me build my career the i lost a friend. >> whiz khalifa's con sercert w canceled. >> this was a senseless tragedy. violence is never the answer. my prayers go out to the victim's family. investigators are looking for pictures or video of the gunman and any one with him. in mountain view, abc 7 news. >> san francisco police are looking for a suspect after a shooting tonight in the bay view district. a woman shot a man in a grocery store parking lot across from the bayview police station before 10:30. police are searching the suv that brought the victim to san francisco general hospital. the victim's injuries are life threatening. >> police agents from alcohol, beverage control and fire
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fighters are on alert as the students converge on uc berkeley for move-in weekend. as we reported last year in one night during the weekend nearly a dozen kids were rushed to hospitals for drinking related emergencies. we are jioined live from the uc berkeley scca campus. >> reporter: tonight two extra patrols on campus and doing party patrols. they're hoping to keep kids out of trouble before they can find it. berkeley firefighters are bracing themselves for a busy weekend. because last year at this time. >> medical emergency, district three. >> reporter: things on cal's campus got messy. >> call volume went through the roof. >> reporter: 911 calls to help drunk kids overwhelmed the fire department. from the i-team report, student
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after stew department had to be taken out of parties on stretchers with barf bibs around their necks and rushed to the hospital. >> taxes the system. had to call for mutual aid. we were behind the 8 ball. last year the was playing catchup. this year we're trying to be prepared. >> reporter: an extra ambulance and pair medic supervisor available to help this weekend. uc berkeley, city police and abc agents are teaming up to work a party patrol. >> sometimes the parties get a little out of control. sometimes kids get hurt, fall off roofs. and occasionally we have fights. >> reporter: the i-team revealed medics took eight drunk students to the hospital in one hour during move-in weekend last year. by what our cameras caught tonight, it looks like the party is just getting started. >> facebook events. people are planning on going out and stuff. >> because everybody, the first time when there is no adults here. >> not surprised. i am alarmed by it.
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it really bums me out to know there are so many kids getting hurt. >> reporter: authorities expect tomorrow night when parents leave will be even worse. in berkeley, abc 7 news. >> a berkeley children's museum had to be evacuated after a pickup truck slammed into a wall. the driver was inside the loading dock at the habitat children's museum, when he accidentally hit the gas pedal and took out an interior wall. everyone got out safely. >> pregnant woman suspected of being on meth, crashed her truck during a chase with the sheriff's deputy in hayward overnight. the 28-year-old, dana telette was arrested. her unborn child not hurt. a deputy tried to stop telette for unsafe driving. eluded police, she crashed, landing on top of another car you see there. >> the coast guard preparing to guide a disabled tanker into port of san francisco. last week, a crew member on the
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ship "pine galaxy" died fighting a fire in the engine room. he was buried at sea. this is video, coast guard crew making contact. now crews are guiding the tanker through rough seas, northwest of san francisco. >> come into port under emergency safety zone. she will be escorted. and additional commercial trawlers to make sure it is as safe and seamless as possible. >> the coast guard says the ship should be in san francisco by monday. depending on the weather. for the latest on that. let's get right to abc's news meteorologist for the first check on weather and my doppler 7 hd. >> off a day of sunshine. the cloud are filling in back along the coast. live doppler 7 hd it is all but clear. no rain on the radar map right now. a few cloud. and the current temperature map. show you in the upper 50s, 60s across the base area. pretty comfortable temperature.
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live look outside. quick look at the morning. and the inland, coast, san francisco. overcast skies. peeks of sunshine. upper 50s, lower 60s. take a look at your sunday. new workweek with the seven day forecast in a little bit. >> thank you, drew. >> crews are busy with a series of water main breaks around the bay area. an 8 inch main broke at 1:00 in richmond. all of that waltter buckled the pavement. creating the sinkhole. repaired at 10:00 to night. in martinez, working on a water main break on arthur road. second one tonight. 4-inch main broke at 6:30. crews say it will take a couples more hours. 30 homes affected by a water main break in danville. the 6-inch pipe broke at 3:00 this afternoon. no word on when repairs there
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will be completed. construction crews are moving ahead with preparations for the new movable median barrier on golden gate bridge. crews working on modifications to the toll plaza including removing four tolls and adding one new one. let's take a live look at the bridge now. expect a rain closures until september 5th. san francisco 49ers say the new sod installed will be ready for game day. some of the work on the field this week. wednesday, practice was cut short after players kept slipping. coach jim harbaugh and players said they're confident there won't be problems tomorrow. and, fans hope there went be too many traffic issue. last weekend, some waited in traffic more than 90 minutes to get to the game. traffic leaving wasn't that bad. partly because the the crowd started thinning at halftime. still to come on abc 7 news at 11:00 -- bay area theater honors robin williams. how they're paying tribute to the actor this weekend. >> plus, the concern about the
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growing use of drones. and more regulation could be just around the corner. >> later, first a woman drank poison tea. now a child downs a tainted milk shake. what was in it and how it got there when abc n is it the biting? ...we need to break up. cuz i can stop? no! i love you and your show. it's cable. customers are more satisfied with u-verse.
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switch and we can stay together forever. forever? ow. i'm not gonna lie to you. it's also the biting. break up with cable. choose u-verse tv from $19 a month for 2 years.
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it makes me happy to i like feeling smart. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over 1.4 million low-income people at home. internet essentials helped me progress in my schoolwork.
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it helped my grades move higher. today it's the largest broadband adoption program in america. it helped me a lot. comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide. close call in the skies above los angeles. a remote control drone coming dangerously close to a giant jetliner. here is abc reporter ryan owens. >> reporter: they produce spectacular video and may one day deliver good to our doorsteps. aviation safety officials say
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drones are also an accident waiting to happen. >> our skies are actually congested. and everything that operates in there need to be doing it safely. >> reporter: the latest close call earlier this month. the faa confirms on august 4th, a pilot flying for canadian carrier westjet noticed a drone 10 miles from lax, at 4,000 feet in a busy airspace. tonight, authorities aren't sure who was trying it or why. >> if we don't calm this down, one is going to be ingested by an engine some place and we'll have an emergency. >> reporter: a drone came within 200 feet of a jumbo jet of jfk last year. the faa tells abc news the number of close calls is increasing. last month a drone hovering near the space needle in seattle thrilled tourists but rattled authorities. days ago, employees at lapd headquarters looked out their tenth floor win go to see a drone. and in case you think you are
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safe on the ground. watch what happened to this drone buzzing over new york sitty lasicity last year when it crashed at height of rush hour. the faa enacted a rule if you want to fly a drone within five miles of an airport here at lax you need permission from the tower. the question now, do lawmakers need a whole new set of laws to keep up with this technology. >> government officials in iceland have put airlines on alert for volcanic ash. for a week now there have been earthquakes near a volcano under a glacier. geologists thought an eruption would happen soon. the flight from lon dodon to sa francisco, made a diversion. >> a san francisco theater, rocsi on 16th, sthoed thowed tw williams movies, moscow on the hudson. and awakening. >> all the roles are so iconic. a wonderful part of our culture.
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>> i think it is personal. coming done here. some people throw flowers on the, on the bay. because the that's where his ashes were scattered. and whatever -- i think he hilt everybody in a personal way. >> the theater owners said that williams had an imprint on the film community. people across the bay area, j d joined together. the 5 k walk and run inspired by a popular bay area broadcaster who passed away in 2003 from breast cancer. every year since then friend have organized the fund raiser to help women and men fighting breast cancer. a team led by caroline tyler participated. and dan ashley also performed after the 5 k. >> families in san francisco came out to play as part of an effort in support of fun. the nonprofit, and disney, abc
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7's parent company are holding it to gechlts making us stop at the middle school in san francisco. the pop up play attractions are designed to to make meaningful connections. >> organizers say sit is about balance. >> born out of the fact that, resr research was done. kids do better in school. belt bet s >> your family can join in tomorrow, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to find out how nice and warm the weather is going to be. let's get to our news meteorologist. hi, drew. >> reporter: a great day weather wise tomorrow. all the kids on the playground. on the job. trying to f find moisture. in the bay area. temperatures out there. upper 50s. lower 60s right now. 59, napa. 60 in san francisco. 62, oakland. 63, mountain view.
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concord at 62. currently 60 in san ramon. live look from the rooftop camera. showing san francisco. a light wind. forecast features. note. clear skies throughout the day. cloud are moving in along the coast. cloud could give way to spotty morning drizzle tomorrow. bigger story we are tracking, midweek warm up on the seven day forecast. show you that in one second. forecast animation will show you cloud along the coast. early tomorrow morning. spotty drizzle. by 11:00 a.m. all out of here. cloud pulling back from the coast. turning to clear skies. cloud pattern due to low pressure off the coast. it is counter clockwise circulation is bringing us the wind out of the south. that south breeze tomorrow is going to help warm us up. in a lot of spots around the bay area. quickly talk about the tropics. especially three storms right now. churning in the pacific. one was tropical storm lowell. weakening. hurricane karina, hurricane
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marie. no threats to the united states. here locally they'll bring choppy walter tomorrow. strong rip currents. be aware if you are heading to the beaches sunday. overnight lows. bay area. upper 50s. 60s. in south bay. 80. 85, morgan hill. mainly sunny skies. 73. san francisco. high of 69 degrees. 66, sunset district. 81 though. head towards sonoma. and, 82 for napa. 79, vallejo. and 76, union city. inland locations. warmest spot. 85, pittsburgh. 88 antioch. we don't have the wind. temperature thousands. 75. 4:00. temperature thousands at 78. uv index high side.
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oakland as at home. and by 3:00 p.m. temperatures holding steady in the upper 60s around 69 degrees. for the seventh inning stretch. accuweather forecast. mid 80s inland. mid 60s along the coast. talked the warm-up. inland locations go into the 90s. the coast warms up as well. heading into the low 70s by thursday. >> all right. thank you. >> sure. >> here with sports. seeing how the local baseball teams. >> a post season field. you're supposed to get the calls playing at home. and the as take their second straight. we'll show you why next in sports. #
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can you t! that's our new interactive speaker wall. 'sup? thinks it's a speak-ing wall. this can even dim your lights. your 3-d--printed girlfriend will love that. real mature. there you go. a laser drone for cats. i wish i had lasers. i don't. pew pew pew... the new radioshack is finally here. the store of your past is now the store of your future. come see one of our remodeled stores and save 50 percent off skullcandy headphones. or get a 20-dollar gift card with air raid speaker purchase.
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angels battling for the best in the west. c.j. wilson, a pitchers' duel. looking for the new profile picture. and sanford, hit johnny gomes scores. 1-0. seven innings. allowed five. struck out seven. including mike trout, three times. donaldson takes off running for first. north drills it down the line. donaldson around third. play at the plate. donaldson called out. review, looks like he touched the plate before he tagged. and tied it in the seventh. in the eighth. karma. coco crisp. 2-1. atop the al west. with the angels. and the nats, rain delay. didn't affect this young man. jordan zimmerman. hangs it high.
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crushes the two run shot. and tim lipscomb, gave up twoen the first. redman, ground to third. scab ra. lipscomb. 6-2. now 4 1/2 behind the dodgers. little league world series. u.s. championship between nevada and illinois. team from las vegas trails. two-run homer in the fifth. nevada up 5-4. illinois answers, three runs. in their half of the inning. lawrence noble. under the glove. run scored. 7-5. chicago. they end the game. josiah kromwitch. illinois goes to the championship with a 7-5 victory. face south korea. took care of japan in the
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international final. scored seven in the second. added home runs in the sixth. south korea. 12-3. face illinois in the championship here on abc 7. take our final timeout before we hit the gridiron. 49ers, hosting the chargers tomorrow. brand new field. hopefully it takes. no injuries
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. >> now the talk is about the field of dreams. a nightmare. before the chargers come to town
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tomorrow. the new sod on the field. see how it holds up. niners are looking for the first touchdown. a cause for concern. phil dawson, missing two field goals. money last year. making 32 of 36. confident he will rebound starting tomorrow. >> when i miss kicks. it's easy to start blaming things on that. and, i'm any not going to do that. i make the kicks or i don't. and excited to got out there and see what i can do to get better. >> fedex cup under way. and phil mickelson. the grandstand. today, same hole. once again on the grandstand. must have a sponsor commitment up there. this time, hits the green. four over. misses the 54-hole cut. lead atop the leader board. along with jason day. double bogey on 13. he is also, at 9 under. nascar chase for the cup in
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bristol. the fastest half mile. denney hamlin in the lead. harvik takes the lead. dale earnhardt jr. he decide since he is not racing he will give harvick the device. led 76. takes the checkered flag. third within of the year. first at bristol. and football hits the big time with a movie. and takes a peek. stick around. >> thank you. still to come. president obama calls for an investigation after recent protests in ferguson, missouri. what he is concerned about. and, a space test flight goes wrong. where the rocket was heading. >> a boy drinks poison in a milk
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good evening. tonight's headlines. police are looking for the suspect in a deadly shooting at a concert last night. happened backstage as the whiz khalifa concert was ending. the victim 38-year-old eric johnson. one man in the hospital with life threatening injuries shot in the bay view district tonight. police are searching for the person who shot the victim in a grocery store parking lot around williams avenue before 10:30. and water main breaks kept crews busy today. a break in richmond spilled enough water to buckle the street and sidewalk. in martinez crews are cleaning up a barack reak on arthur road. repairs will take until after midnight. the white house is weighing military options against terrorists who have killed an american hostage are threatening
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to execute mr. ore americans an vowed to bring the destruction to the u.s. abc 7 reporter joe torres. >> reporter: the organization responsible for the shocking beheading of james foley is bearing results. british intelligence officials are zeroing in on several london residents who joined isis, an islamic army spreading terror and death in syria and iraq. the terrorists are threatening to execute a second american journalist. abc news learned two more americans are being held by the islamist militant army which warned it will kill all hostages if the u.s. doesn't stop a barrage of nearly 100 air strikes against their positions in iraq. that its fighters will bring terror to the u.s. prompting a homeland security warning. the chilling thing abut the warning to local law enforcement, isis is believed off to be able to attack u.s.
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interests with little warning at all. biggest concern is u.s. targets abroad. >> beyond anything we have seen. we must prepare for, for >> the u.s. has largely stayed out of a more than a three year long war that claimed nearly 200,000 lives. president obama still on vacation, faces tough decisions when he returns to the white house sunday night. i'm joe torres, abc news, new york. >> memorial service for james foley held tomorrow in rochester, new hampshire. the service and vigil held in foley's hometo town to help famy and friend honor foley. officials in missouri hope ferguson has reached a turning point. people supporting the officer who shot michael brown two weeks ago rallied today. the family of a st. louis police officer hosted the rally at their restaurant.
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they say media coverage of the case hasn't been fair to wilson. >> -- formally declare we share the belief that officer's actions were warranted and justified. >> the was announced president obama has asked some of the staff to attend brown's funeral tomorrow. >> president obama is ordering a revow of federal programs that allow local law enforcement agencies to buy military equipment. comes on the heels of the heavy equipment brought out in missouri. and look at whether programs are appropriate. and whether they have training. a rocket exmroed edexmroedexmro over texas. it was testing a three engine version of the falcon nine rocket. the successor to its grasshopper rocket. the rocket never went off course and no one was injured.
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>> mistake at a dairy quoon queen sent a young boy to the hospital hafts he drank a milk shake with industrial cleaner in it. his mouth, throat and stomach burned so much. his mom rushed him to the hospital. riley is healthy today. owner of the dairy queen in suburban denver says an employee was cleaning the vanilla sir rip container when an employee picked up and poured what was inside the shake. a woman in salt lake city suffered burns in her stomach after the iced tea she drang had a cleaner in it. >> a bakersfield pawnshop owner, now a national treasure. recently a man came in, and pawned a document found at a trunk, abraham lincoln's signature. at least that's what the man said. not wanting to lose big money on a fake, kephart gave the man $50. >> got it authenticated and
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realized it was real. it was shock and awe. they said at auction basically anywhere from $20,000 to $50,000. >> right now he plans to display it in his shop. but if some one walks in with the right offer. it will be on the move again. big pay day for a lucky couple who hit the jackpot in vegas. that's not what makes this a big deal. the slot machine they were playing on is legendary. hasn't paid a jackpot in 20 years. the couple won $2.4 million. playing the lion's share slot machine at the mgm grand. the oldest real machine at the couple. the couple had been playing five minutes when they hit the jackpot. wow. well just ahead. why a pro posed bus stop is stirring up controversy near a wech. >> a con artist alter his license plate number. another gets his toll violations.
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could this happen to you. >> i'm meet jtracking warmer temperatures with the seven-day fo
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nds] the wait is over for even faster internet. xfinity is now doubling the internet speed... ...on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet...period. xfinity internet from comcast, now double the speed.
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protests after the national park service announced plans to construct two bus stops in the area. the park service hopes to build
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the bus stops at highway 1 and pacific way. to connect shuttles from muir woods to muir beach. opponents scum placomplain it w affect wildlife and traffic in the area. >>some have gun to extremes to avoid paying bridge tolls. the motorcyclist, modified the plate and the other person got accused of toll evasion. >> the bay bridge. >> rocky pop p, showing us fast track violation notice thousands. one then another one. >> then i got anut one. then i got another one. >> reporter: each one claimed he crossed the bay bridge in the morning on his motorcycle but never paid the toll. >> i said this isn't me. is not my license plate. i don't travel the road. >> notices showed a snapshot as it whizzed through the plate
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exactly. seems to. >> i said some body doctored their license plate. obvious to me. whoa. rocky showed us what happened. a photo of his license plate. here its within of the fast track notice. number eight on the notice looks phony. >> look at it. not symmetrical the way the 8 is on a plate. >> the eight in the fast track foe looks uneven. like sochl one use aid sharpy to turn another into a name. >> nine, zero. >> not only that, the tags on rocky's plate, expire every april. the tags in the photo, expire every march. they couldn't be the same plate. >> i didn't pay them. >> rocky kept telling fast track, somebody was using his numb bar and he was getting all the charges, tolls, pen altiepe. added up to hundreds. >> this was frustrating. my wife could tell you.
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about to lose my mind. >> gave his license plate to the dmv. an officer sat trying to catch the toll thief in action. >> the highway patrol officer was ant eight to help me. couldn't locate the person. >> fooind finally, fast track agreed. the plate appeared altered. and dismissed all charges against her. if the didn't end there. >> in march 20e 14, it started over. >> rocky began getting violation notices. fast track sent him to collections. this time heave contacted 7 on your side. we contacted fast track. and officials got on a fast track to fix this. awe all within 24 hours they dismissed all violations. clearly this guy was not the violator. we need to concern ourselves with somebody else. >> fast track spokesman, john goodwin said this type of case
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is rare. maybe the first documented case. >> changing one character to another. the first in stance i have heard of. awe all i wasn't able to get anything done in a year and a half. literally you took care of it. 24 hours. >> the bay area, tomorrow authority says if this happened to you, do what rocky did. dispute every violation, explaining the fraud. fast track supposed to investigate and should dismiss the charges. if they've don't. contact me. you can reach me and get more of my report. click on the sect, stat at the top. select 7 on your side. there you will find everything you need to reach me with consumer problems. mike cam finney. 7 on your side. awe uh one last check on the weather. drew? >> live doppler, right now. wide picture across the bay area. coming up dry. the nationwide map. traveling tomorrow. much of the u.s. pretty quiet. only spot we are finding
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thunderstorms. southeast atlanta, miami. much of the sunshine state. will see scattered thunderstorms. typical summertime pattern. north east. temperature thousands in the mid to upper 70s. low 80s. middle of the u.s. high pressure. tons of sunshine. hot in texas. zoochl in closer, in zoom in closer. 94, fresno. 90, sacramentsacramento. pay area will see temperature thousands in the mid 60s along the coast. half moon way, 66. 70, oakland. high. san francisco, high tomorrow, 69. 84, an tichlt och. nice and warm. headed to levi stadium tomorrow. the 49ers. going to be a warm one. 1:00 p.m., kickoff. 75. by 4:00 temperatures on the rise. around 70. remember the shade and sunscreen. the accuweather forecast.
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mid eyes. inland. 60s on the coast. go back into the 90s. and touch into a little 70s along the coast, okay. >> sound good. thank you. >> here with sports. and movie reap view. >> that's right. legendary, 150 game win streak years ago. now the ball program turned into a movie. larry beal puts on his move
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it makes me happy to i like feeling smart. internet essentials from comcast has brought low-cost internet access to over 1.4 million low-income people at home. internet essentials helped me progress in my schoolwork. it helped my grades move higher. today it's the largest broadband adoption program in america. it helped me a lot. comcast. helping to bridge the digital divide.
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>> cleveland has high hopes of lebron james, johnny manziel bringing the city some sort of championship. the cleveland gladiators have a chance to end the streak against arizona. no team has within a championship in 50 years. they had to beat the two-time arena bowl champ. and 41 yard. 7-0, arizona. first drive of the game. gladiators looking to answer. the first of four pick. goes 46 yards. the other way. rattlers win their third straight. 72-32. fifth in franchise history. tied for most in arena football history. a good fight against the packers. losing 31-21. their offense needs work. maurice jones drew. had game. 40-yard touchdown run. ties at 7. passing game concerns me. and, the quarterback struggled.
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new team. offense. getting a feel for his receivers. he looks tentative. this can be cleared up by the regular season. time is running out. coach allen knows it. >> offensively. we have to improve ourselves in the passing game. full time team effort. not about one individual. we got to improve ourselves in the passing game. got to make the plays. get opportunities. never can be satisfied with your performance. good or bad. we have to go back. go become to work. that's what we're going to do. >> t minus seven days. first college football saturday. they're anxious to get back on the field. following a horrendous 1-11 season. and the head coach looked his team's performance so far in training camp. >> it's been good. just, you know, guys are hungry. have a great attitude. worked. guys practicing. guys competing. you know, more maturity. you know just all the stuff that we needed to, to have a, give ourselves a chance to have a better football team.
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>> high school catapulted to national fame. after the football team won a record. 151 games in a row. the school and program is immortalized on silver screen with a movie opens yesterday. larry beal has more. >> the tradition continues. when the game stand tall. tells the story of the de lasalle football spartans. >> try to approach football. under the radar type way. we want to teach our kids how to be humble and, you know, good about their, their successes and not, not be boastful things like that. >> the the movie picks up after the 151 game winning streak came to the end after washington bellview high school. a loss that did not change the program. >> the only thing different is the streak itself. we really haven't changed anything. don't do anything different. but our philosophy and approach
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to everything is exactly the same. >> the former head coach is played by jim cavisill. and portrayed by the shield star, michael chickless. >> michael and terry are twin brothers. believe me. watched them for two day. >> we hit it off the we are similar. we are excitable. coach, terry, worked together like salt and pepper. they just, very different but, but, fundamentally, fill sofingsofing sofing -- philosophically they're the same. >> the creedo is a concept of spartans for life. philosophy that bond the young men who strap on the spartans helmet. >> really proud of the efforts. the commits that they putten through all years. i think the movie -- think does a good job of honoring the players, that have gone through the program. i am pretty happy about that. >> one, two, three, four.
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>> i covered the aftermath. check it out at a theater near you. and can't be happy. a bald man played him in the movie. playoff atmosphere at, john lester and c.j. wilson. pitchers duel. and seven innings. allowed five hits. struck out seven. including, mike trout three times. tied. throws it away. coco crisp on third. two outs. and they win it 2-1. tied atop the american league west with the angels. second batter. zimmerman. tim lipscomb, looktion for his career victory. gave up six runs. four earned. 4 1/2 back of the dodgers in the west. and hosting them at 1:00 at levi stadium. hopefully the field will hold
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up. just replaced it. what, two, three days go. a nightmare. and the kind of thing where, a wide receiver or somebody can pull a hamstring. injury. out for the year. >> yeah. >> hopefully hold up. we'll find out. >> hopefully they score too. >> yeah. >> very good. off awe all right. >> thank you. thank you for joining us. that is it for tonight. abc 7 news continues tomorrow morning at 5:00. thank you for joining us. we are always online at
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(pants) (animal howls) (twig snaps) (gasps) (rustling) (panting) (continues panting)


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